We Are To Be Merciful

Mercy refers to God’s goodness and His love, expressed in action, for the guilty and miserable. Thus, the merciful, having experienced God’s mercy because we are poor in spirit, mourn, are meek, and hunger for righteousness, forgive the guilty and have compassion for the suffering. This attitude of compassion is cultivated by developing sensitivity to human need and being committed to doing what we can, under His direction, to meet those needs He places before we. It is a result of doing what we are commanded to do in Ephesians 4:32-5:2. This includes being kind, sympathetic, forgiving each other, imitating God, and living in love.

The merciful show mercy, not because others are deserving of it. Being poor in spirit, we know that none are deserving of God’s mercy and, touched by that mercy, we freely offer it to others (Matthew 5:7). Actions of mercy, though, are not to be done out of intrusiveness, pushiness, or a need to be either needed or to be in control. Mercy, as an aspect of love, is also respectful.  

The end result for the merciful is that they will receive mercy. They already have received mercy and will continue to do so in this life. Yet, the assurance for the Day of Judgment is that the merciful – and only the merciful – will receive His mercy. Let us allow Him to act in mercy through us; let us be His hands extended in mercy to others.

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