Satan Uses Error & Evil

Evil is that which is harmful (SEC on poneros) or wrong (MCED on poneros). In the Septuagint (the Greek translation of the Old Testament), poneros can mean what is false (TDNT, v 6, p 550). This meaning also applies to the New Testament, where ‘evil’ men in 2 Thess 3:2 refers to those who have deviated from the truth (TDNT, v 6, p 555) – that is, they are in error. Evil causes trouble or pain (Thayer on poneros). It is that which is bad or corrupts someone (CWSD:NT on poneros). Evil was originally the result of Adam’s rebellious deviation from the truth and the evil one’s influence. There is a connection between error, evil, and the evil one. Satanic error comes through liars (1 Tim 4:1-2) or those who are deluded (Jude 8) and typically encourage us to seek false gods. Error (Eph 2:1) exposes us to demonic influence (Eph 2:2) resulting in evil (Eph 2:3).

If error-evil-the evil one are interconnected and we are never fully free from error or evil, then it stands to reason that we are never completely free from being influenced by the evil one either. To put it in different terms, we acknowledge the interconnection between the flesh, the world, and the devil (Jas 3:14-16) along with their continued influence to a greater or lesser degree throughout our life. 

It is not surprising, then, that Jesus commands all believers to habitually pray for deliverance from error, evil, and the evil one (Mt 6:13). We are to regularly ask for this because such deliverance is never complete in this life. Let us keep praying to be delivered from these three foes that work to keep us from being closer to God.

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