Be Prepared

There are consequences for not being prepared. As the Chinese proverb puts it, “Dig the well before you are thirsty.” Some consequences for being unprepared could include our suffering defeat and demoralization (Ps 78:8-9). Sadly, we may also miss our opportunity (Mt 25:12, CW). In addition, God may have to discipline us (Lk 12:47, NCV). This is because we gravitate toward evil when we don’t prepare our heart for the Lord (2 Chron 12:14, NKJV). 

How do we get prepared? In part, we are prepared when we are not focused on holding onto ‘our’ possessions (Lk 17:31, SFLB, note). It is not our stuff. It’s His. We are simply stewards of what belongs to the Lord. A loose attachment to things reminds us of this. We can also be ready by living as if Jesus were coming today (1 Jn 3:2-3). Putting Him first will prepare us by making us sincere, ready to witness, trusting, generous, and diligent (Lk 12:40, LAB note). Furthermore, we can diligently plan for the worst-case scenario yet trust God to help us (Prov 21:31, LB and Message). As Martin Luther said, “In all matters we should hope and pray for the best; nevertheless, we should be prepared for the worst.”

Let us be prepared to cheerfully embrace all that the Lord has for us (Col 1:11, Weymouth). After all, we know He is able to work it for our good (Rom 8:28). However, we ought to also remember that while “we cannot make it rain, we can see to it that the rain falls on prepared soil” (Henri Nouwen). Let us do our part.

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