Be With Those Who Build You Up
If it is possible, we should avoid or minimize close contact with people who tend to make it harder to be a God-honoring believer (1 Cor 15:33). Such people include those with anger management problems (Prov 22:24), those who encourage us to engage in sinful behavior (Rev 2:20), those who refuse to obey God (2 Thess 3:14-15), those who reject God (1 Ki 11:2), and those who are in rebellion against God (Prov 24:21, CEB). In addition, we need to be careful about helping those who are intentionally wicked as it sets a bad example (2 Chron 19:2). Furthermore, we are not to associate with fellow Christians who live sinfully without heartfelt attempts to overcome their sin (2 Thess 3:14; 1 Cor 5:1-9).
Such avoidance makes it easier to obey God (Ps 119:115), to be happier (Ps 1:1, NEB with AB), and to reduce complaining (Num 11:4, CW). We are also less likely to be misled (Prov 13:20, NEB) and will have one less obstacle to the Lord doing ministry in our life when mockers are not present (Mk 5:40, WPNT note). Besides this, we will probably have fewer spiritual troubles for “who lies with dogs, shall rise with fleas” (Rowland Watkyns). Further, we typically will have a better reputation since others will tend to judge us by the company we keep.
How do we live with good associations? Don’t be a loner (Prov 18:1, GW): “Sheer joy is God’s, and this demands companionship” (Thomas Aquinas). Yet, realize “it is better to be alone than in bad company” (George Washington). Be with healthy people (1 Cor 16:18; Prov 13:20) even if they have low earthly status (Rom 12:16, Phillips). Pray for the right people to be in your life and be led by His Spirit.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.