Becoming A Healthier Person
What does it mean to be a mostly healthy person? Here are a few ideas: Toward God, we have a loving relationship with Him through the forgiveness offered in receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord. With God as our primary support system, we have a sense of worth that is grounded in His view of us, are able to discover meaning in the unexpected crosses of life, and can say ‘no’ to requests which we believe do not represent God’s best for us (1 Cor 16:12). As one who loves the Lord and others, we keep a clear conscience (1 Tim 1:5).
Toward self, we have enough self-control to adequately manage anxiety so it doesn’t become incapacitating. We have biblical values and, while we typically live in the present, we do have long-range goals we believe the Lord has given us. In major life areas (job, family, social obligations) we function properly, seek to develop our potential (Mt 5:48), and are able to both give and receive. Since we see ourselves as our Lord does, we have a positive self-image and are optimistic (Rom 8:28). Being humble, we are teachable, acknowledge our mistakes (Jas 5:16), and are kind/loving (1 Jn 3:14).
Toward others, we are not manipulative, controlling, or intrusive. Our actions are not self-destructive or harmful to others and we encourage others to develop their abilities. We are willing to risk appropriately deep self-disclosure with significant others while avoiding destructive forms of communication such as denial, controlling, or placating. Inasmuch as we display good manners (1 Cor 13:5), we are honest, respectful, and thoughtful toward others. We love them. Having compassion for others, we look for ways to be suitably helpful, are generous with them, and don’t have to be proven correct on non-sinful matters of opinion (Rom 14:1).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.