Being Worry-Free

We worry when we want something other than God’s will and are concerned that we either won’t get it or that it will be taken away (Mt 6:25-34). If we desire job security and hear there may be layoffs, we can be worried that we will be laid off. However, if we simply desire God’s will and trust Him to provide what He knows we need, we can have peace and be free from anxiety.

To be free of worry, then, we pray. Adding thanksgiving to our prayers also helps release our faith (Phil 4:6). Doing what we are supposed to be doing (our business) and getting the support of our friends is also helpful (2 Cor 7:6). We need to avoid focusing too much on the area of worry. Reminding ourselves of God’s loyal love is important (Rom 8:35-39). If we have too much time not taken up with other things, it is easy to gravitate back to worry. Focus on the next thing He wants you to do.

Anxiety is not productive.  It keeps us from living in the moment. We lose out on what could have been joy in the present. Being unfocused on the present, we also become less productive in the here-and-now. Worry, though, does not make the future better. There is no benefit to be gained. It is wasted time and effort. Let us roll all the anxieties we carry onto His mighty shoulders (1 Pet 5:7) and trust Him to take care of every one of our ‘todays.’


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