Betrayal Is Treachery
There are many ways to betray another. We can merely pretend to be concerned about their welfare, gather information from them that can be used as ammunition against them in accusations, lie about them, or be ungrateful (Ps 41:9). Betrayal can involve rejection (Lk 22:22), a decision to hurt (Mt 26:16), and hostility or dishonoring (Micah 7:5-6). Contempt, abuse, insulting, or attacking are other forms of betrayal (Ps 55:12-14). However, it can also include helping someone who will do harm to another or a passive unwillingness to give aid to someone to whom it should be offered. As William Hazlitt pointed out, “The silence of a friend commonly amounts to treachery. His not daring to say anything on our behalf implies a tacit censure.” At its root, betrayal is faithlessness from one for whom we had every reason to expect faithfulness – a commitment to further our well-being (Ross, Psalms, v 1, p 883).
Betrayal leads to inability to trust the betrayer. It causes division in relationships that should be loving and supportive. The closer the relationship was with the betrayer, the more it is likely to hurt. This is especially true if they were an intimate confidant with whom we had a tender spiritual connection (Wilson, Psalms, v 1, p 811). Betrayal can be like a favorite animal that attacks the master who fed and loved it (Spurgeon, The Treasury of David, v 1, p 265). Examples of betrayal would include Judas Iscariot with Jesus (Jn 13:21), Delilah with Samson (Judg 16), and those who committed apostasy when persecution came (Mt 24:10).
Naturally, we should not betray someone toward whom we should be faithful. Such treachery is sin and will be judged by the Lord. Instead, of betraying others, let us love them. When we are on the receiving end of betrayal, though, how do we handle it? Obviously, we need to forgive them (Mt 6:14-15) and love them (Lk 6:35). Furthermore, as suggested by Micah 7:7, the betrayal of verses 5 and 6 were met with the prophet further listening to God, relying on Him, waiting for God’s help, and drawing even closer to the Lord.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.