Choosing To Honor God
How do we give honor to the Lord? First and foremost, we turn to Him in repentance and faith to become forgiven, to become His son or daughter. After that, we repent and return to a close walk of obedience to Him for every other matter of disobedience of which He makes us aware. We honor Him by being faithful to Him. Nor do we try to mostly obey Him but then do as we please on aspects of obedience that may be less to our liking (Mt 8:22, CW). We figure out, to the best of our ability, what He wants then do it (Rom 12:2). We are careful about what we say or do so that we don’t make it about us and what we want but keep it about Him and what He wants.
Honoring Him must be something which is of great importance to us (Mt 6:9). We must be like the woman who diligently searched for the silver piece in Lk 15:8. This could be viewed as a day’s wages, part of her dowry (IVPBBC, p 232), or as 1 of 10 coins the groom gave her as a forehead ornament (Berkeley note). If it was the latter, she didn’t want to disappoint the groom. We should be that way with our Groom, Jesus Christ. He has given us gifts. We must choose – and should earnestly want – to be faithful with what He has given us.
What is our key purpose in being created and, then, in being saved? To glorify and enjoy Him. The two go together. Yet, we cannot enjoy Him if we are not with Him (Amos 3:3) – and we are to follow Him, He doesn’t follow us.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.