Is Your Compassion Under-Expressed?
The Bible tells us that God is very compassionate (Jas 5:11, Moffatt). Those who are like the Lord are even compassionate toward their animals (Prov 12:10, NJB). We are to try to be compassionate like God (Lk 6:36, LB). Although we have limited resources which limits our ability to be compassionate to absolutely everyone in need, God expects us to be compassionate when and to the extent that is workable. He blesses those who are compassionate toward others (Mt 5:7, Cassirer).
When Columbus’ flagship, the Santa Maria, began to sink, he had to be transferred to the Nina. The friendly chief, Guacanagari, wept over their misfortune when Columbus informed him of the disaster. More than this, Guacanagari used his own villagers’ boats and labor to save virtually all the items on the Santa Maria. Then he fed and sheltered Columbus and his men (Abbott, Christopher Columbus, p 80-81).
Would we have cared as much about Columbus as Guacanagari did or would we likely have said something like ‘I’m sorry,’ offered a quick prayer, and maybe given token help? Compassion will often move us to temporarily set aside our preferences to help meet the genuine needs of others who are in our field of responsibility (Mt 14:14, Voice with 2 Cor 10:13).
Guacanagari was a good example of compassion. We should want to cultivate this characteristic more so we can better display our heavenly Father’s character (Mt 5:48, AB-1st ed).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.