The Cost Of Commitment
Our goal should be nothing less than a life fully dedicated to God (2 Corinthians 7:1). Motivation for this comes from our reverence and love for Him. We sacrifice our lives to the Lord and let Him do with us what He wants. Rather than doing what we think would be good and asking Him to bless those endeavors, we try to find out what He wants us to do then do that. Keep in mind that a sacrifice does not choose what it will do. The one to Whom the sacrifice is dedicated is to make all determinations.
Salt preserves. Thus, when the Bible says that the salt of our sacrifice is the cleansing fire of affliction (Mark 9:49), it reminds us that affliction can cause us to persevere in our goal of full sacrificial dedication. Hardships can have a way of forcing us to be more dependent on Him, of reverencing Him and listening to Him. It can have a purifying effect.
Tragically, we so often think of fiery trials as undesirable roadblocks. In reality, they are opportunities for greater purification, for becoming more consecrated, for drawing closer to Him. Hence, Paul tells us that we ought to present our bodies as living sacrifices to Him who loves us. This is our reasonable service and worship. It is a necessary step if we are to discover what His will is for us (Romans 12:1-2).
The Lord is our Great Physician who prescribes what each of us needs to gradually get healthier so we can live a more fulfilling life. Hardships are part of His treatment plan. We seek to avoid God-appointed trials at our own loss. Yet, like Jabez, we can and should ask that we don’t have to experience any unnecessary pain.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.