How Do We Discern Spiritual Realities?
Spiritual discernment comes from properly analyzing and obeying God’s Word (Ps 119:100, GW). Our zeal and obedience, if it is not based on an accurate handling of the Scripture, will lead us astray. Likewise, correct insight that doesn’t result in obedience is also of little value. In fact, it means we are more responsible than had we been ignorant. However, if we are serious in our commitment to the Lord, we will work hard to know what He wants us to believe and do.
We must also remember, though, that the ability to discern what type of spirit we are dealing with is a spiritual gift (1 Cor 12:10, TNT). It is also something any individual can occasionally experience. In valid specific cases, such as Job’s, this will be consistent with but go beyond the Scripture. The Bible won’t necessarily tell us if, at a particular time, a spirit is ‘gliding past our face’ (Job 4:15, Berkeley with AAT).
Scripture, spiritual gifts, and the experience of trustworthy people is needed if we will best understand spiritual realities. This is seen in how the early church made its crucial decision at the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15). There are some things we know to be true simply because we have had experiences which cannot reasonably be interpreted in other ways. This should make it fascinating to get to know others. Who knows what treasures they hold? They might have some puzzle pieces which, combined with our own, can give us a whole new perspective.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.