Enthusiastic Commitment
If we would be successful in Christ, we must be ablaze with passionate commitment to Him. Commitment to Him must be full and we must have a heart for what He wants. Our zeal must reflect an accurate knowledge of God and come from yielding to the Holy Spirit’s empowering guidance (Romans 10:2). Indeed, Christ died to have a people that were zealous for good deeds (Titus 2:14).
The fervency of our commitment will be determined by our vision and expectations. For instance, a key difference between the American and German atomic bomb projects in World War II was that Germany expected to win the war quickly and saw nuclear power as a post-war issue. Hence, it was not prioritized. The United States, on the other hand, saw victory as being a long way off. As a result, they perceived the need to prioritize the developing of a weapon which could be used in the war.
Let us be ablaze with commitment, based in accurate vision and insight. Then, we will be able to influence others for Him. Isn’t the Lord Jesus Christ worth such a commitment? He is the pearl of great price who should be valued far more than everything we have. Our love for Him should be passionate – with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. Our zeal should be at the boiling point (Romans 12:11). Furthermore, this zeal, flamed by the Holy Spirit, must be given expression or it will be quenched and lost. May our zeal get manifested in a faith that expresses itself in acts of love for our Lord and for others. For the unforgiven, we offer something as eternally important as the good news about forgiveness of our sins through faith that Jesus is the Savior. Hence, our commitment to the Lord cannot be lukewarm.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.