The Need To Examine Our Hunches

Many, many years ago, I had a hunch. Perhaps I got this from reading something and having a sense that what I read was right. Maybe it was an inspired thought. I don’t know. Yet, it occurred to me that there was some significance to my being a Gentile Christian. It seemed that Acts 15 did not expect individuals who were saved as Gentiles to keep the Mosaic Law but to be directed by the Spirit of truth whose fruit is love, the fulfilment of the Mosaic Law. As I reflected on this, I began to wonder what implications this might have on such areas as tithing. Jesus did tell Jews, under the Old Covenant, to tithe (Matthew 23:23). However, I could not think of any New Testament passage that insisted that Gentile believers had to tithe. I came to realize that the role of the Mosaic Law in the life of any New Testament believer is a very controversial area. Clearly, though, some very important aspects of the Law no longer apply for Christians (Hebrews 7:11-12). Since this is true for any New Testament believer, how much more might at least part of that Law not be applicable for Gentile Christians? Surely Christian giving is to be generous. Nevertheless, do the commands that Jews must tithe to Levites in support of their national temple and sacrificial system apply to me, a Gentile? 

For years I periodically researched this. I found material which did address the Jerusalem Council’s decision in Acts 15 and what the Mosaic Law required of Gentiles. Throughout the whole process, I learned a lot. The point, however, is that I would not have researched in this area had it not been for this hunch.

Do we have a hunch about something? Maybe the Lord wants to reveal a truth to us or an application of a truth that is not seen by many of His people. Are we open to following through on what could be a dead end? Are we willing to risk wasted time in pursuit of what could be His prompting? Are we willing to chance looking foolish by taking an unpopular path?

Take a chance on Him. He is big enough to redirect us if we are going the wrong way (Isaiah 30:21).

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Laughing To Flourish


Settling For Less Than What’s Best