The ‘Foolishness’ Of Heroism
Are we really willing to chance looking foolish to obey the Lord? Are we willing to avoid motivations of pride, concern for reputation, and fear? Fear is a ‘shrinking back’ of unbelief (Hebrews 10:39) rather than to show the faith of one whose concern is furthering God’s agenda.
The Bible describes both God and the godly as heroes. Heroism is hard. It is not the easy, broad road which most people are on. It is odd that any would take the hero’s road of hardship, deprivation, being misunderstood, being deprived. Yet, in the end, the hard road leads to our knowing the Lord better. We become able to break the bread of our suffering so others can be fed with hope and understanding. This furthers His kingdom. Each of us must ask if this is enough. If we love the King, it should be.
Is the Lord asking you to do something ‘foolishly heroic’? It is worth the risk to just pursue reasonable impressions and see what happens. Obviously, this does not include an impression to do something stupid just to see if He will bail you out. But if we follow His lead, as best we understand it, we may be surprised that He speaks to us and uses that to bless others and bring glory to Himself.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.