The Freedom Of Loving Obedience
What is true freedom? “There are two freedoms: the false where a man is free to do what he likes; and the true where a man is free to do what he ought” (Charles Kingsley). The other side of freedom’s coin is responsibility for our choices: “Liberty and responsibility are inseparable” (F. A. Hayek).
Jesus said that we would know the truth, and the truth would make us free (Jn 8:32). Freedom truly must be freedom for obedience to God, freedom to do what is right, freedom which is determined by the truth. It cannot simply be the option to do what we choose to do regardless of truth and right and duty. There is freedom wherever the Spirit of truth is obeyed (2 Cor 3:17-18 with Jn 16:13) because then we grow in love (Gal 5:22). Thus, it becomes clear that all freedom necessarily involves responsibility. We are not to think that we can simply have freedom and privileges without responsibility under God’s rulership. To do so is adolescent. It is immature thinking (1 Cor 14:20).
How, then, do have liberty? We grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Pet 3:18). We cultivate a vibrant relationship with God (Jn 15:14). As Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.” We do what we are supposed to do (Lk 6:46). In addition, we fight to keep the freedom we have (Gal 5:1). As Daniel Webster put it, “God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.