Some Limits Of Frustration

Natural wisdom can lead to increased frustration (Ecclesiastes 1:18, EVD). We better see the pain, suffering, and injustice in “this present evil age.” Knowing our powerlessness to do much about it, we can get frustrated. This is normal. The Lord Himself gets angry with people who spurn Him – and underneath His anger He is grieved and saddened by so much of our behavior (Ephesians 4:30).

Similarly, the apostle Paul was apparently frustrated at times (2 Corinthians 12:10, TNT). He got frustrated with Christians not treating each other in love, with improper attitudes toward the Lord, with lack of spiritual growth and maturity. Maybe there were times when he became frustrated with how hard his life was, with how much resistance there was to receiving the gospel, with how badly he was treated – even by those in the church who should have been most supportive.

What frustrates us? Is our frustration due to a self-centered response to things not going our way? While this is a natural response for sinful humans, we also must remember that we have a new nature and the mind of Christ. God has enabled us to have a perspective where we get frustrated over the right kinds of issues and to not stay locked in frustration because we know He is Lord of all the earth. Our Lord is Creator, Sustainer, Governor, Redeemer. He is able to deliver us from all our fears, hurts, and frustrations as we look to Him in faith.

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