God Orchestrates Events
At the Battle for Long Island in the American Revolutionary War, the British attempted to sail a number of ships up the East River to support the troops. A strong wind and tide prevented all but one of the warships from doing this. Had the ships made it upriver they would have cut off the American retreat, killed or captured George Washington and probably have ended the Revolution. Not surprisingly, then, Washington said, “Providence has at all times been my only dependence, for all other resources seem to have failed us.”
It is easy to forget that our God reigns (Dan 4:35). He is in the heavens and rules over all (Job 42:2). Even small, apparent coincidences are under His control (Prov 16:33). Hence, “A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous” (Anonymous). Remembering this can be a source of great comfort (Ps 37:23-24). We know He loves us and works to bring about what will further our genuine well-being (Eph 1:11).
May we look to Him in all our distresses. Let us give Him credit for ‘coincidences.’ More than that, may we be grateful that He doesn’t rule from a distance but is with us always as He helps us along our way. Remember Joseph. A group of Midianite traders ‘happened’ to pass by so Joseph’s brothers had the option of selling him instead of killing him (Gen 37:23-28). Potiphar ‘happened’ to throw Joseph in the prison where Pharoah’s prisoners were kept – instead of killing him or selling him (Gen 39:29-20). Two of Pharaoh’s influential officials ‘happened’ to be imprisoned and put under Joseph’s care (Gen 40:1-4). Both officials ‘happened’ to have a dream the same night, which they both ‘happened’ to tell Joseph, and it so ‘happened’ that he was able to interpret (Gen 40:5-13). Joseph’s interpretations ‘happened’ to come to pass (Gen 40:21-22). Pharaoh ‘happened’ to have a disturbing dream that it so ‘happened’ no one was able to interpret (Gen 41:8). The restored official then ‘happened’ to remember Joseph who, it so ‘happened,’ was brought to Pharoah where he ‘happened’ to be able to interpret it and provide insight on how to deal with what Joseph said would be coming (Gen 41:9-36). Pharoah ‘happened’ to be so impressed that he made Joseph second in charge of Egypt (Gen 41:38-40). Just looking at this one example, how can we not believe God orchestrates events? There are no coincidences.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.