Godly Pleasure Is Good

Life is hard. Yet, the Lord tells us to focus on the reasons for joy in the midst of hardship (Jas 1:2). The results of passing the tests we face with joyful faith is a maturing that has eternal benefits (Rom 5:3-5 with 2 Cor 4:17). The Lord wants us to be blessed, happy, filled with joy (Mt 5:3, AB). He wants us to experience abundant life (Jn 10:10) even in this present evil age (Gal 1:4).

Although we are not to love pleasure where we pursue and prioritize it (Prov 21:17, LB; 2 Tim 3:4, NEB), God did put Adam and Eve in a delightful garden (Gen 1:15, LXX). He wants us to pursue Him and have a life of pleasure as a result. Remember, God Himself put an entire book in the Bible encouraging us to get utterly satiated with the delights of marital lovemaking. That book, the Song of Songs, is also echoed in places like Prov 5:15-20 and 1 Cor 7:2-5 (if we study it deeply). Marital lovemaking is, potentially, the key form of adult play. The Lord wants us to enjoy life (1 Tim 6:17).

Our pleasure, then, is to be in such things as intimacy with Him (Jn 17:3) and knowing God’s will (Ps 1:2, LXX). As we let Him guide us into the ways of life, He fills us with the pleasure that comes from being aware of and enjoying His presence (Ps 16:11; Acts 2:28, CW with NLT). Acquiring God’s wisdom is also fun and pleasurable (Prov 10:23, Beck). Likewise, this is true of enjoying His people (Ps 16:3, CJB). By having this type of fun, we become God’s playmates (Prov 8:30-31, Knox). What a joy! If anyone knows how to have good, clean fun, it should be an all-wise, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, utterly good, happy God (1 Tim 6:15, Rotherham) – our God.

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