Humility Is Good For Us
Humility is not optional. Every believer is commanded to be humble, to put on the apron of humility so we can properly serve each other (1 Pet 5:5, ISV). Can we believe we are humble without being proud? Yes. When we are humble, we accurately see ourselves as the Lord sees us (Rom 12:3). We neither overestimate nor underestimate ourselves. Such an evaluation is possible because we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16). The more mature we become the more we are able to tap into the mind of Christ which we already have. Our potential becomes more actualized so we can better evaluate ourselves and become increasingly humble. By walking in the level of humility we have today, we become more humble tomorrow (Jn 1:16).
What are the benefits of being humble? When we are humble, we experience life and spiritual prosperity (Prov 22:4). The kingdom of God belongs to the humble (Mt 5:3). In addition, we will enjoy honor (Jas 4:10, NLT) and great well-being (Ps 37:11, Beck). Salvation and victory are rewards for the humble (Ps 149:4). The humble also receive a continual supply of grace (Jas 4:6, Montgomery). Great joy is a result of being a humble person (Isa 29:19, HCSB). Finally, the humble show that they have reverence for the Lord (Prov 22:4, Tanakh).
We must learn that every good thing we have comes from God (1 Cor 4:7). In fact, we can’t do any spiritually acceptable thing apart from Him (Jn 15:5). The sooner we remember this, the quicker we will accept a posture of dependence and humility toward the Lord.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.