Sailing With God
The Holy Spirit is the breath or wind of God. He is the one who shows us what the Lord wants and enables us to move forward toward God’s desires for us (1 Cor 2:10-14). We become more mature, then, by unfurling the sails of the ship of our life, then letting the Spirit bear us along wherever He know we need to go (Dake note on Heb 6:1). This is not mere passivity. On the contrary, we must actively put up each of our sails to catch the wind each moment.
Are we wanting to get to our own destination by steering the ship? Maybe we think it would be easier to just use a motorboat, to row, or to use the wind to move us toward our own goal. This is not making progress in greater maturity. Spiritual sailing toward greater maturity is not about what we want but about what He wants for us.
God’s Spirit empowers us to say what He wants said (2 Pet 1:21). He strengthens us to have a more God-like character (2 Thess 2:13). May we surrender to Him and let Him move us forward when He will, at the speed He desires, and to the place He wants. He knows what is best. He will carry us along toward greater Christian maturity (Heb 6:1, Montgomery).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.