Seize The Moment

God wants us to seize the moment. He asks us to use the opportunities He gives us. (Luke 19:44). As Jesus put it, “We must work while it is still day; the night comes when no man can work” (John 9:4). 

Last night I went to bed and started getting ideas for this book. It was the inspired moment. I knew I needed to get up and write all this down lest the opportunity pass me by. It was quiet and I was up until 1:30 a.m., but I wrote down 36 topic areas with sufficient ideas for each topic to quickly be written. What if I would have taken the easy way and stayed in bed? Much of this might have been lost. Maybe the Lord would have given me one or more other opportunities. Maybe not.

If a player doesn’t do what His coach wants, he may immediately be pulled out of the game and not entrusted with playing time. In some circumstances, the coach might not pull him right away if he ignores the coach. At some point, though, the coach will not tolerate being ignored. He will use a player who will do what he has been asked to do.

Are we people who take advantage of the opportunities He presents us? We need to listen then do what we are told. It is crucial that we properly handle what has been entrusted to us – with a sense of stewardship and respect for Him rather than apathy and indifference. May we recognize those inspired moments when they come and treat them as a gift to be cherished.

Submit Topic Suggestion


Settling For Less Than What’s Best


Hearing God Through Circumstances