Use Your Flashlight

We frequently fail to turn on the flashlight of the Bible when making specific choices (Ps 119:105, LB). We follow the world’s version of common sense and wisdom and, thus, are conformed rather than transformed in our perspectives. We even think we are acting in faith if our general life goal is to please God but we don’t thoughtfully apply relevant passages to our particular life situations (LAB note on Ps 119:125). This is presumption, not faith. We cannot have faith that we are acting in conformity to His will if we haven’t carefully examined what the Scripture says about the action we are contemplating.

To what extent should we look to the Bible? His Word should be applied to everything we do (Ps 119:125, LB). This includes even decisions which seem obvious. Romans 12:2 explains how we obtain a mind which is transformed to see each of our life’s choices from His viewpoint. The word for ‘transformed’ is the word from which we get ‘metamorphosis.’ The picture is of a caterpillar struggling to burst out of its cocoon. We must struggle to understand how to apply the Bible in the complexities of life. It is far easier to follow the rut of worldly examples and worldly thinking. It is less work to stay in the cocoon.

When God’s Spirit is in charge of our life, we experience freedom and transformation (2 Cor 3:17-18). We are able to fly, to enter a broader place in life, and to be unrestrained since His Spirit helps us understand God’s mind on every matter (1 Cor 2:10-12, 16). It is worth the effort to rely on His Spirit as we analyze the Scripture in everything we do. Keep in mind that Jesus applied the Bible even to seemingly trivial circumstances (Mt 21:15-16). Let us try to be like Him.

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