The Value Of Pain

Honestly, what normal person enjoys pain? Who wants to feel like they are drowning in chronic pain (Ps 88:17, EVD)? Who likes to cry all the time from sorrow? As a loving parent, do you really delight in your child undergoing pain?  Doesn’t this seem less-than-good? Almost sadistic, in fact. So why does the Lord consider it His gift to us to let us suffer (Phil 1:29, BB)? Why does He make those who are dear to Him experience pain (Prov 3:12, BB)? After all, He could put an end to much of our pain but chooses not to do so. Why is this?

God did protect Jabez from unnecessary pain (1 Chron 4:9-10, CW). However, some pain is necessary if we would fulfil His purpose for us (Mt 16:25, LAB note). Indeed, those who have few troubles are said to be bound with the chains of pride (Ps 73:6, BB). Since the Lord opposes the proud (1 Pet 5:5), wanting to be free of all pain in this life is not a blessing but a self-centered addiction to our own comfort and pleasure (Amos 6:6, Message). Rather, pain develops character. “No pain, no gain.” In addition, pain can change us by helping us to cease doing what is wrong (Prov 20:30, EVD). We can express our faith as we are going through pain.

Maybe all this sounds unconvincing. Is pain really worth it? Consider this, however: both physical life and spiritual maturing are a result of pain (Gal 4:19). Pain can lead to what is good. Do we want to be a people who bring forth hope and life? If so, pain is the price we must pay and the privilege we must embrace.

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