Who Is Directing Your Good Works?

There are those individuals who are willing to do what is good but their efforts are wasted because they really are not seeking to further God’s Kingdom. His Kingdom is the sphere in which He rules the lives of His people to lovingly promote what He knows is best. Self-ruled individuals engage in religious works of their own choosing instead of letting God rule in their life about what they are to do. Works done independent of the Lord don’t further His rule, His Kingdom (Ps 127:1; Isa 30:1). 

 In contrast, we are to be eager, not merely willing, to do what is good (Tit 2:14, AAT). We are to be led by God to the good He considers to be a genuine need for us to meet, and to be expert in doing this (Rom 16:19, Phillips-2nd ed). This means we let ourselves be transformed by Him so as to discern His will (Rom 12:2). In other words, we respond to the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit (Phil 3:3, GW). 

Though we recognize that discerning God’s will is never easy, we seek to collaborate with God (1 Cor 15:10) by being controlled and guided by His Spirit (Rom 8:14). As we mature in following His leading, we become more expert at doing what is right. We love the Lord and are eager to do what He wants. Thus, our works are done in reliance on Him. He is glorified, not us. His kingdom rule is furthered, not our own kingdom.

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