Who Are You Following?
It is easier to follow the crowd than to stand up for what is right. This is why the Lord warned us to not follow them in doing what was wrong (Ex 23:2, TEV). The morals of the crowd are invariably lower than what the Lord wants of us. Following the crowd spares us criticism, ridicule, rejection, and may lead to their approval. If we get enough of the crowd’s approval, we get the temporary ‘benefit’ of popularity. Really, though, the pursuit of popularity is substituting the permanent blessings of being Christ’s slave for the temporary ‘benefits’ of being the crowd’s slave. In either case, we follow another. Consequently, we should not have popularity as a goal for our life (Gal 1:10, Message).
Perhaps some think they need not follow the majority who are on the well-traveled destructive road nor the minority who are on the less-traveled road to God’s life. They fancy they can create their own path. This is delusion. There is the path to God and every other path which leads away from Him. Remember, self-will is as bad as idolatry (1 Sam 15:23, Moffatt) – and idolaters don’t go to heaven to be with the Lord. Jesus Himself said there were only these two roads (Mt 7:13-14).
Let us not be concerned about the approval of others so we are able to trust Him. Let us progressively give up the pursuit of being popular with others so we are able to increasingly enjoy the Lord’s approval. By trusting in the Lord, we are able to avoid the crippling fear of what other people think of us (Prov 29:25, Message).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.