Be Comforted Then Comfort
The word for ‘comfort’ at 2 Cor 1:3 can also mean to encourage or give practical help to someone (TNT note). The person offering comfort strengthens and seeks to motivate the other by using a friendly approach (DPCC, p 194). All comfort ultimately comes from God (2 Cor 1:3, LOP) but we have to learn to increasingly experience the comfort of the Holy Spirit (Acts 9:31, LB).
When is it wrong to seek comfort? It is wrong when it would interfere with doing the work the Lord has assigned to us (2 Tim 4:5, BB) or when we are seeking convenience over obedience (1 Tim 4:2, HCSB). Besides this, it is wrong to seek comfort when we would rather have ease than cleansing struggle (Mt 4:4, OSB note) or when our comfort is more important to us than the well-being of another (Mt 15:23, Worrell note).
How does the Lord comfort us? He comforts us with His presence. After all, the word for ‘comfort,’ in the Latin, means ‘to brave together’ (2 Cor 1:3, WPNT note). God might also comfort us by sending us a friend or a comforting person (2 Cor 7:6). Additionally, He may comfort us through sound teaching (Tit 1:9) or by our reading the Bible (Rom 15:4).
What is our responsibility once we have been comforted? We are to comfort others who are going through a tough time (2 Cor 1:4, HCSB) or who are wavering in their faith (2 Tim 4:2). Finally, we are to stay strong and keep serving Him (Ps 103:5, CW).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.