Learn To Be Patient
God commands us to be patient in all things (Col 3:12) until the Lord returns (Jas 5:7). We are to be patient in necessary difficulties (Rom 12:12, AB; Jas 1:12) – though we are to normally flee from destructive situations if we can (Mt 10:23; Mk 13;14; Lk 21:21). Being patient is better than being strong (Prov 16:32, NLT) or proud (Eccl 7:8). Furthermore, patience is a quality of love (1 Cor 13:7, TEV).
There are different forms of patience (Col 1:10, LOP). For instance, we are to be patient with all people (1 Thess 5:14) – even those who are difficult. Yet, patience is also needed as we endure every one of the hardships we face (Col 1:11-12, TEV). Waiting for God’s timing on matters is a kind of patience (Ps 37:7, AB; Jn 11:3-11, NLT – ‘now’ of verse 11). We are to be patient rather than quick-tempered (Prov 19:11). Getting answers to our prayers often requires that we be patient (Eph 6:18, Beck). We may be more patient in some areas than we are in others.
We have to learn to be patient (Col 1:11, PEB). What can help us learn patience? Being humble, forgiving rather than retaliating, embracing His power, being joyful and optimistic, growing in love, praying regularly, and focusing on the needs of others. In addition, patience can be understood as having a quiet mind (Gal 5:22, BB). Patience is a result of being controlled by God’s Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22, NIV). If we keep in mind that our Lord is Almighty God, we will be quiet to listen for His guidance and encouragement. Thus, we can have the faith to be patient.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.