The Benefit Of Being Persecuted

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 5:10, KJV). The persecuted are ridiculed or treated in even worse ways than being ridiculed. This happens because we proclaim the need for others to be right with God and show personal righteousness in their lives. Our message and the way we live acts as a rebuke to those who are unwilling to change. Consequently, the stubborn become angry and persecute us. They find it offensive that we children of God earnestly display proper conduct and a character that is an implicit rebuke to their own character.

Opposition, then, is a normal result of living as a son or daughter of God. It can strengthen our faith, serve as an example for others, and help us to have purer hearts. The Lord’s answer to the prayer, “Create in me a pure heart” (Ps 51:10), may well be to allow persecution or loss to come our way.

The good news is there will be no persecution in heaven. Our time of persecution, when viewed from the perspective of eternity, is less than the blink of an eye. The fleeting trouble of this moment is preparing for us an eternal glory that is greater than anything we can imagine (2 Cor 4:17). Let us gladly embrace the cross of persecution He has graciously assigned us.


Healthy Anger


The Blessing Of Being A Peacemaker