Commitment Is Shown Through Acts
We need to act committed to have an attitude of commitment. Acts of commitment precede, rather than follow, an attitude of commitment. Consequently, if we act like we are committed to Christ – believing what the Bible tells us about the Lord, worshiping, praying, going to church, treating others as God wants, and expressing gratitude for His free salvation – we are more likely to have an attitude of commitment to Christ. It can be as simple as going forward for prayer in a church service to show that we want to commit or re-commit our life to Christ.
Have any of us ever gotten a vision or revelation of how things could be once we were involved in something? We start researching something then realize it could lead to a book; we take a subject and it dawns on us that we enjoy it, are good at it, and could get a job doing it; we spend time with someone and begin to grasp that a friendship is likely. How many times do we fail to see possibilities because we are too passive to actually do something that could lead to commitment? Or perhaps we engage in behavior that could show us possibilities but because we focus too much on the negative, we lose sight of the opportunities afforded. Commitment also means other possibilities are excluded. We have a limited number of people and activities to which we can be committed.
Let us act committed, improve our vision of commitment’s value, and then persevere. Tasting and seeing that the Lord is good leads to commitment.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.