The Value Of A Smile

Have we ever had someone smile at us when we were lonely or sad and had that smile be like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds surrounding us?  Maybe we experienced it as a form of grace – almost like an invisible hug of comfort and encouragement. It can be mood-changing. More than that, it can be an act of service and kindness. Certainly, I have appreciated those times when others have reached out with the optimism, hope, and the friendliness of a smile. It really has been like a gift. As Pope John Paul II said, “There is no law which lays it down that you must smile! But you can make a gift of your smile; you can be the heaven of kindness in your family.”

Maybe we would do better physically and emotionally if we laughed and smiled more. Lincoln understood this need for laughter. His serious wife, Mary Todd, was often distressed that Lincoln would spend so much time at Seward’s house. It was therapeutic for him. He could laugh and relieve his stress. Secretary Seward could listen and advise also, but Lincoln could relax and enjoy life with Seward in ways he often could not with Mary. This was not to shame Mary but Lincoln had to relieve the awful stress. Laughter helped. He was frequently telling his funny stories. It probably did others good as well.

Ecclesiastes 11:8 encourages us to seek to enjoy each day of our lives. Part of enjoying life surely includes smiling and laughing. Let us do more of it.

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