Godly Boldness Is Humbly Confident
The Lord wants us to be bold in approaching Him (Heb 4:16, Montgomery). It is not to be the boldness of pride as was true of the arrogant, false teachers of 2 Pet 2:10 (NIV). Rather, we are to be humbly courageous in our boldness with confidence in our God, who loves us (EDBW, p 137). This can only occur when we keep our conscience clear (Prov 28:1, ASB note). Part of a clear conscience is having faith in Christ. Another aspect is doing our reasonable best in the position to which God has assigned us (1 Tim 3:13, NLT). For example, bold Elijah refused to water down God’s message even when he conveyed it to the messenger of rebellious king Ahaziah (2 Ki 1:16, Dake note).
Why does God want us to have a glad boldness with Him? First and foremost, the Lord wants this because He is our dear Father and we are His children (Heb 4:16 with 1 Jn 3:1). We also are His servants but Jesus taught us to address God primarily as Father (Mt 6:9). With a good, loving Father, it is most appropriate for us to express gladness and confidence that we are accepted. What emphasis is more likely to lead to intimacy with our Abba Father: a child who lovingly does what His wonderful daddy asks or a servant who dutifully obeys His Master while also recognizing that he is a son?
Let us be confident enough in God’s loyal love for us that we bravely, humbly, and boldly do what He wants us to do.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.