Habitual Joy Is Normal
If we have to measure up to God’s standards to have joy, how can anyone be joyful? The good news is that Jesus Christ has measured up for us (2 Cor 5:21). In Christ, through faith, we have a legal status of being forgiven and perfectly righteous before God because we are clothed in Christ’s perfect righteousness (1 Cor 1:30; Jer 23:6). This is why God’s kingdom consists in being in right standing with the Lord, doing what is right in God’s sight, enjoying peace with Him, and having joy (Rom 14:17).
Experientially, we are gradually becoming more of what we already are legally – perfectly righteous – by letting the Holy Spirit control our lives more and more (Rom 8:4). This requires humility that leads to one fresh experience of joy after another (Isa 29:19, CSB with ESV). Indeed, it results in a new and increasing level of joy as we use, then experience, a new and increasing measure of the Spirit’s grace (Jn 1:16). We don’t derive joy by favorably comparing ourselves to others but by knowing that we are better pleasing the Lord with His help (Gal 6:4, ASB note with Phil 2:12-13, NCV).
In a summarizing description of the early disciples, Acts 13:52 tells us that they were characterized by being habitually filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit, who produces such joy when we keep yielding to His influence. Let us be joyful and express it!
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.