Grace Grows As We Use It
In Greek, the language of the New Testament, ‘grace’ can refer to a blessing freely given (Jn 1:16, TNT), unmerited favor, an expression of graciousness, or to gratitude. Hence, a saint is one who has received God’s grace with gratitude and, as a result, is gracious toward others (2 Chron 6:41, CB note). We can fail to use God’s grace in time (2 Cor 6:1, Phillips with Jas 2:13, CW) by either rejecting or merely ignoring His grace (Gal 2:21, Norlie).
Though all receive some measure of God’s common grace (Mt 5:43-45), there are conditions to receive more of His grace for spiritual growth. We must be humble and teachable (Jas 4:6, NASB and CW). We need to use the grace He has offered to successfully go through trials before we lose our opportunity. Grace must not be ignored and we have to keep our focus away from rule-oriented living. Likewise, our knowledge of His will must increase (2 Pet 3:18) and we must choose to use the grace He has already given us because of our commitment to Him (1 Ki 8:23, CJB). As Jn 1:16 seems to indicate, when we use the grace God gives us in the present moment, He gives us a fresh supply of grace (Jn 1:16, TNT note). Further, this new measure of grace is larger than the measure we had received and used (Jn 1:16, WSNT note). This is how we progress in grace.
Grace is for service (1 Pet 4:10, NBV). It keeps us humble because we realize that it was not us, but God’s grace, that accomplished His results (1 Cor 15:10, Barclay). Additionally, grace moves us away from a religious, rule-dominated way of living where matters are viewed in such clear-cut, right-or-wrong ways (Heb 13:9, Barclay). We can appreciate that some things are clearly right and others are clearly wrong. However, many decisions are shades of gray on which each of us must live out our own convictions and graciously allow others to live out their own views (Rom 14:1-8). Moreover, grace is for intimacy with the Lord. In Jas 4:6 it says that the Lord gives grace to the humble. The reference is to Ps 138:6 where the Lord is said to regard, enjoy, and reveal Himself to the lowly. We need to embrace His grace.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.