The Cost Of Neglect

There is a great cost to negligence. What are some of the costs? “He that thinks he can afford to be negligent, is not far from being poor” (Johnson). There is a curse upon those who are negligent about doing God’s work (Jer 48:10, NJB). We are unprepared for opportunities. We are not ready for trials which can be devastating. Our resolve to do what is right can be weakened because negligence is a form of heartlessness (Rom 1:31, OSB note). Neglect means we don’t follow God’s leading (Jer 2:17, LB). The natural consequence is that we don’t do what the Lord wanted – not only to our own loss but also to the loss of those who would otherwise have benefited from us. 

Family, work, friendships, ministry, community, are but a few of the things we might neglect. We might also neglect spiritual health and growth, financial planning, and maintenance of our property (not doing needed car repairs and the like). Whatever we neglect will deteriorate. For instance, if we neglect to make sure we get adequate spiritual nourishment, then we will end up being poisoned by the evil of this world (Mt 15:13, CW).

Sometimes we are neglectful because we are unwilling to pay the price for what is needed. At other times, we are too lazy to exercise and eat right or do whatever else is required. Perhaps we are indecisive, procrastinating, chronically exhausted, or don’t see the value of effort because we are depressed. Whatever the reason for neglect, we must ask the Lord to help us resist it. We need to find out why we are willing to engage in destructive negligence and diligently do what is vital. After all, “no talent can survive the blight of neglect” (Edgar Whitney) because “negligence is the rust of the soul, that corrodes through all her best resolves” (Feltham).

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