Aim For God
What is our goal in life? For what do we aim? Some have wealth as their goal despite the biblical warning to not have that ambition (Prov 23:4, NBV). Others aim to please the crowd or someone whose approval they very much want (1 Thess 2:4, Phillips). They may seek to do what is right – as that is defined by someone besides the Holy Spirit. Still others live purposeless lives (Eph 4:17, TCNT). At root, many have false aims because they are rebellious (Dt 32:5, Knox) and have, therefore, broken faith with the Lord (Ps 78:8, Knox). All these aims will end badly.
In contrast to all these improper goals, our one aim should be to get to know Jesus Christ better (Phil 3:10, Barclay). All our efforts ought to be directed to being loyal to Him (Mt 6:33, Barclay), following His plan for each of our lives (2 Cor 10:13, NLT), and letting Him define what is right for us (2 Cor 8:21, Norlie). This will include both glory and, the flip side of the coin, suffering (Rom 8:17, Barclay). Why do we follow such a course? Because we love Him and, thus, pay attention to what He is telling us to do (Dt 30:20, CJB).
What, then, is the result of having loyalty to Him be our life goal? He provides for us (Mt 6:33). Christ will give meaning to our life (Col 3:4, CEV). We are His fellow-heirs (Rom 8:17, Barclay). We win His approval (2 Tim 2:25, Knox). In addition, we can sense what is vital (Phil 1:10, Moffatt), and avoid wasting our life on false dreams (Eph 4:23, Knox). By aiming for Christ, we get everything else (Rom 8:32)!
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.