Give & Receive Hospitality
The Lord commands us to practice hospitality (1 Pet 4:9). In fact, we are to look for opportunities to be hospitable (Rom 12:13, WSNT note). We are to pursue hospitality with the same vigor with which our enemies pursue us or which we would display if we were in a chase or hunt (Rom 12:13, WPNT note). It should be an activity of special care and concern to us (Rom 12:13, JB).
For whom are we to provide hospitality? It might be for the spiritually prominent (Philemon 22). Also, it could be for any saint who is in need (Rom 12:13, JB). After all, in showing hospitality to the needy, we act like our loving Lord who graciously invites the needy to dine with Him in His Kingdom. However, we are to be cautious and wise about showing hospitality (Mt 10:16, TEV with CEV). Whoever the recipients of our hospitality are, we are to make sure we only take in those who are trustworthy (1 Tim 3:2, IVPBBC note). In this, we are acting like the Lord, who will not feast with the faithless and untrustworthy (Rev 21:8, NASB alt).
How are we to practice hospitality? We are to do so willingly and happily, without complaining (1 Pet 4:9, CW). In addition, our hospitality should be motivated by love (1 Tim 3:2, AB), offered freely (1 Tim 3:2, BB), and be done generously (Rom 16:1-2, Message).
It can be easy to forget, though, that the Lord expects us to be willing to receive of the hospitality, generosity, and help of others (Mt 10:12, CW). For some, this might be more difficult than giving. Many are used to being caretakers but are not used to receiving love and kindness. Yet, becoming one of God’s children begins by choosing to receive His loving, generous offer of eternal life with adoption into His own family (Jn 3:16; 1:12). We need to continue our spiritual life as we began it: approaching others with a loving willingness to receive and give love.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.