Praising God Beautifies Us
It is appropriate for us to praise the Lord (Ps 33:1, AB). When we do so, the angels take notice (Ps 138:1, CEV). The Lord, the glorified saints, not-yet-glorified saints who are Spirit-directed, and the angels think it is beautiful to praise God (Ps 33:1, Beck). It makes us more attractive. It beautifies us and enables us to find greater favor (Acts 2:37, Cassirer).
Though praise can be offered when we are by ourselves, the Father also delights when we praise Him in church with other saints. After all, we are told of God the Son that He will sing praise to God the Father in the congregation (Heb 2:12, NASB). Thus, when we are in groups of believers, Christ is in our midst, joining us as we worship the Father and, indeed, He is conducting worship (Heb 8:1-2, Message) by His Spirit (Phil 3:3, NIV). When we follow His lead, our various praises (plural) become so harmonious that it becomes praise (singular – Ps 22:3, Rotherham, alt.) and ushers in His presence in a more dynamic way. We connect with Him and glorify Him with richer satisfaction. Since praise treats Him as being our King, our praise builds a throne for Him upon which He is happy to sit and enjoy us. Thus, His presence brings such things as joy, life, healing, peace, a desire to do right to those who are close enough to reach out and touch the hem of His garment.
What kind of things might prevent us from praising Him? Isaiah 61:3 lists a number of potential obstacles: sorrow (BB), discouragement (NET), despair (NLT), sadness (NCV), a heavy heart (REB), grief (Knox), a broken heart (CEV), dejection (Rotherham), despondency/depression (JB), lack of hope (NLV), weakness (YLT), remaining burdened (AB), or having a listless (NAB), faint (RSV), drooping (Beck), or a spirit that lacks vitality (Message). It is when we choose to praise Him and, if need be, call on Him for strength and hope (Isa 40:29-31) that we can overcome obstacles to praise. It is when we are controlled by God’s Spirit (Eph 5:18-20) that we can exchange praise for whatever is blocking us from praising the Lord (Isa 61:1-3).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.