Hope Is Vital
We are to let our hope give us joy (Rom 12:12, Moffatt). Without hope, life tends to be grim and depressing. We become pessimistic – thinking that things really aren’t going to change (hopelessness) and that nothing we do will make much of a difference (helplessness). Thus, we give up instead of persevering. We aren’t as successful, healthy, or happy. Our love withers (1 Cor 13:7, Barclay).
So how do we have hope? Hope comes from having reverence for God (Prov 23:17-18, HCSB). It is a result of having the wisdom that comes from knowing Him and thinking like Him. By looking to His past faithfulness, we earnestly seek Him in the present (Ps 9:10, LXX). In addition, we look to what the Lord has said about our future (1 Pet 1:13, Weymouth), pray (Rom 15:13, JB), courageously (Prov 18:14, LB) accept the hardships that can produce character and hope (Rom 5:4, LOP), and obey Him (Ps 119:43, CW).
The results of hope are joy, guidance (Prov 17:8, Knox), strength (Isa 40:31), worship (Isa 61:3, NLV), boldness (2 Cor 3:12, Berkeley), patience (Rom 12:12, Knox), and confidence that we will triumph (Heb 3:6, Berkeley). We are optimistic, more successful, happier, and healthier. Hope is vital.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.