How Jesus Managed Grief
In Gethsemane, Jesus knew He would be briefly separated from His loved One (God, the Father) just as we believers in Jesus know that we will be briefly separated from one of our loved ones who died in faith. How did Jesus deal with His deep sadness and grief over this separation? This is important for us to understand so we can handle our own grief well. What follows are some of the things the Lord Jesus did to process His grief when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26:36-46; Mk 14:32-42; Lk 22:39-46).
He prayed and was honest (Telling God that He didn’t want to be separated). The Lord drew strength from God (By expressing His trust and love in God despite the pain. See Lk 22:41-43). Christ identified and expressed His emotions through such things as weeping (“He prayed with loud cries and tears” – Heb 5:7, NCV). He alternated alone time and seeking connection with trusted loved ones (Praying by Himself but then reconnecting with the disciples). Furthermore, He avoided unhealthy ways of dealing with His emotions (Such as overindulging in consumption of alcohol, binge eating, overworking, or ignoring His emotions).
In addition, Christ repeatedly worked on His grief (Prayed three times). He expressed Himself more intensely when that was needed (Lk 22:44). Jesus was compassionate toward those who didn’t adequately support Him in His deep sadness (Mark 14:37-38). He strengthened His hope by focusing on His faith in the reconnection (Heb 12:2). Finally, the Lord drew strength from believing that God would bring some good even out of the separation (Heb 12:2).
Let us not ignore our grief but process it so we can be healed.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.