Teach For Spiritual Growth
We are commanded to embrace healthy biblical teaching (2 Tim 1:13, KNT). If we have God’s wisdom, we will make it a point to keep teaching people biblical truth (Eccl 12:9, CCB). Since God is a great instructor (Isa 28:29, LB), He is able to give us a variety of strategies for effectively teaching a particular individual or group (Hos 12:10, EVD).
Not everyone knows how to teach others (2 Tim 2:2, Knox). For instance, many confuse teaching, that targets the understanding, with exhortation, that targets the emotions and will (Rom 12:7-8, WSNT note). Truth is to be taught in the right way (2 Tim 2:15, NLV). What is included in this? We should teach in a way that is interesting (Eccl 12:10, LB). Teaching should be illustrated with examples (Mt 13:34, LB) from such things as historical events (Gal 4:24, NET). We should teach the truth in a straightforward way (2 Tim 2:15) that uses appropriate repetition (Phil 3:1, WPNT note) and is suited to the spiritual capacity of the hearers (Mt 7:6, NIVSB note). This means we must assess their readiness and willingness to appreciate what we are thinking about teaching because many are not ready for more advanced teaching (Heb 6:2, TNT).
Failure to teach what is biblically sound is a failure to encourage believers (Tit 1:9, Norlie). If we don’t use our opportunities to give others sound biblical teaching, they won’t have a deeper knowledge of how the Lord wants them to live (Tit 2:1, NET with Voice). Consequently, apart from God-inspired biblical education, people will increasingly rebel against God (Eph 6:4, CCB).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.