Praying Precisely
As a Christian was praying in tongues and interceding deeply, he found himself out of his body and traveling to a place far away. Apparently, the Lord was showing him for whom and the situation about which he was praying. Then he found himself ‘back’ in the room smiling and laughing. He had an inner sense that his prayers had been effective. Later, he discovered that the situation was precisely as he had seen it and was resolved as he had sensed it was.
When we pray in a language we understand, we try to figure out what God wants us to pray for and how He wants us to pray. Yet, because we only have blurred fragments of knowledge (1 Cor 13:8, Berkeley with verse 12, Norlie), the Holy Spirit is not able to direct our praying in our own language with the same precision as He is able when we pray in tongues. After all, prayer in tongues involves the Holy Spirit Himself praying through our spirit (1 Cor 14:14, AB) – and He knows exactly what He wants us to pray for and how to pray in any given situation (Rom 8:26, NBV). We don’t need to try to figure it out. Not surprisingly, then, praying in tongues is a way for us to be strengthened spiritually (1 Cor 14:4).
Praying in tongues can also make us more sensitive to God directing us in other spiritual gifts. Have you ever prayed quietly or mentally in tongues before ministering to someone in a language known to you? Sometimes, for others and myself, the Lord will use such enhanced yielding to quicken a Bible passage or thought about how to pray. When I do this, it seems that I receive a higher percentage of feedback that the prayers were really on target or seemed anointed. It’s not that the Lord doesn’t direct or anoint prayers in a language we know. Tongues is more precise praying, though (Acts 2:4). Thus, while the apostle was glad that he often prayed in tongues (1 Cor 14:18), he said that it was profitable for us to both pray in tongues and to pray in a language we know (1 Cor 14:15).
If you don’t pray in tongues, keep asking Him for this gift (Mt 7:11, Williams). If you do have the gift of tongues, choose to use it frequently.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.