Respect Is Both Freely Given & Earned

Some people should be given respect because of the position they are in: spouses, parents, pastors, employers, various leaders, and the like. Other people should be respected because of their association with others. For example, God treats the unsaved spouse of a Christian with greater respect, if you will, because of the believer. They are granted grace that an unsaved person with an unsaved spouse is not given (1 Cor 7:14). This grace is not saving but it is extra grace and extra consideration (1 Cor 7:16, NIV). Then there are those who are to be respected because of their good behavior (Prov 11:27, EVD). At the most basic level, others should be respected because they are valued by God (1 Pet 2:17, TEV). However, the deepest respect must be earned by godly behavior (Rom 12:17, CEV).

Respect should be shown in our actions. For instance, we are told that we should display respect for the elderly (Lev 19:32, NCV). There are negative spiritual consequences for showing disrespect (1 Pet 3:7, CJB). However, showing appropriate respect is an indication of being a bigger person, of being more mature (Berkeley Bible note on Rom 15:14). Besides, being on the receiving end of respect is better than being rich (Prov 22:1, EVD).

Finally, though, our motive in showing respect must be good. The Bible condemns those who give others respect simply as a manipulative way of getting something from them (Jude 16, NLV). We should show respect because it is right, not merely because it is advantageous to do so.

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