Status-Seeking Or God-Assigned Service
The search for status is foolish (Prov 25:27, Tanakh). We are to become more like Christ. Was He searching for status when He died on the cross as a criminal? No. Honor came to Him because He was obedient, even to death on the cross. It did not come because He sought honor itself. This is how we should be.
We should not seek prominence. God will raise up whom He wants, when He wants, how He wants. Like Jesus, we are uninterested in trying to establish a reputation (Gal 6:14b, CW). After all, Jesus “made Himself of no reputation” (Phil 2:7, KJV). This is why Paul could say that he didn’t seek a greater reputation because he had accepted the implications of Christ’s death for us on the cross (Gal 6:14a, CW).
We also avoid the desire for the spotlight, the search for popularity and approval, by following the Holy Spirit in every aspect of our lives (Rom 12:16, NBV). He will not direct us to focus on making a name for ourselves (Gal 5:25-26, LB). He didn’t direct Jesus to do so and neither will He direct us to do so. Indeed, He has better things for us – assigned service done in the fruit of the Spirit. This is pleasing to the Lord and will result in His abundant life and rewards in eternity.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.