Saints Suffer Hardships
God’s people will face many hardships (Ps 34:19, JB) because experiencing tribulation is the nature of life in this present evil age (Jn 16:33 with Gal 1:4). It is through many difficulties that we enter God’s kingdom (Acts 14:22). Faithful believers will experience persecution (Mk 10:30). Christ left believers an example of suffering and, if we are following Him, we will suffer also (1 Pet 2:21). Indeed, we have been destined for afflictions (1 Thess 3:13).
To many, it seems odd that faithful believers, who habitually do what is right, have to suffer in this life (Ps 71:7, JB note). Job’s friends thought it so unthinkable that a good person could suffer as he did, that they accused him of having grievously sinned. Yet, Job’s friends were wrong. An individual can be living a morally proper life but still be suffering (Prov 21:8, Tanakh).
Hardships are intended to lead us to greater humility (Ps 107:12, NAB), freedom (Ps 66:12, Rotherham), and blessing (Ps 66:12, CJB). In addition, they can produce greater faith in the Lord (2 Cor 1:9), increased reverence for Him (Ps 55:19, LXX), improved ability to persevere (2 Thess 1:4:5), greater purity (Dan 11:35), more effective service (2 Cor 1:4), and eternal rewards (2 Cor 4:17). We seek Him more fervently (Hos 5:5, YLT). No wonder He commands us to thank Him in the midst of every circumstance we experience (1 Thess 5:18)!
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.