Stubborn People Refuse God’s Healing
What does it mean to be stubborn? To be stubborn is to be headstrong, unwilling to accept and live by God’s truth, (Acts 7:51, Wuest with NEB). It is to be disloyal to God and rebellious (Ps 78:8, Berkeley). Being stubborn involves going our own way in self-determined living, without seeking to discern and follow God’s way (Isa 65:2, CEV with Rom 12:1-2).
On some matters, though, we need to be ‘stubborn.’ We must earnestly contend for what God says is true (Jude 3). For instance, we are to steadfastly declare that God exists and that Jesus Christ, His Son, died for our sins and rose from the dead. Stubbornly, we must refuse to commit adultery. These are biblically clear matters.
What are some consequences of being sinfully stubborn? We cling to beliefs and practices which hurt us by adding to our guilt. We may have to be disempowered (Ps 68:21, Harrison). Our stubbornness may cause us to take risks which can have a devastating effect on others. We are not open to what God says: “An obstinate man does not hold opinions – they hold him” (Anonymous). As a result, we may have to be broken or we become unwilling to let God heal us (2 Chron 30:8, CEB).
How do we avoid being sinfully stubborn? We fully devote ourselves to pleasing the Lord (Dt 10:16, Moffatt). We refuse to persist in behavior God says is sinful (Ps 68:21, Harrison). We yield ourselves to God (2 Chron 30:8, LB). That His will is done is what we want. Further, we prepare our heart for obeying the Lord by doing such things as studying, then doing, what the Bible says (Ps 78:8, Berkeley).
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.