Speak Truthfully
Our communication is to be truthful (Prov 12:19). Flattery is a form of dishonest, deceitful speech which is typically designed to manipulate the recipient (Prov 29:5). It often harms the hearer (Prov 7:5). It is right in God’s eyes to speak truthfully (Prov 12:17). When we habitually speak the truth, we are giving evidence that our words are reliable and our character is at least good in this respect. Indeed, truthful communication, when also done in love, can show that we care about and are committed to the other person’s well-being (Prov 24:26). Friends, then, must be truthful (though that doesn’t mean everything must be shared with the friend since friendship involves different degrees of closeness. See Eph 4:25 and Fowl, Ephesians, note plus Prov 18:24, Longman, Proverbs, note).
Our communication is to be accurate. Truthful words accurately reflect reality (Prov 12:19, Waltke, Proverbs note). They are supported by facts (Prov 12:19, Toy, Proverbs note). Encouragement, then, should accurately reflect truth. Otherwise, it is harmful flattery (Prov 2:16). Messages conveyed on behalf of others should be accurate (Prov 13:17). Gossip, being founded on questionable evidence, is also a form if inaccurate communicating (Prov 18:8 and Longman, Proverbs, note).
Our communication is to be honest. Flattery is dishonest as it is neither truthful nor accurate. Deceitful speaking is dishonest for it hides the real intent of the speaker (Prov 10:11). False professions and insincere speaking are dishonest (Prov 26:23). Honest communication might be hurtful (Prov 27:6). However, the intent is to bring healing and the words are spoken in a loving, kind way (Eph 4:15).
Let us speak truthfully, accurately, and honestly when we believe we are to disclose something.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.