Think Outside The Box
God is the Creator. He is brimming over with creativity. He gives us His wisdom when we ask for it (Jas 1:5). This wisdom includes ‘good judgment’ (BDAG, sophia) – which certainly would involve creativity. Many of our problems are solvable if we will be creative. Sometimes, we only need to change the way we talk about something. For instance, instead of saying, ‘I have to go shopping with my wife’ we can say, ‘I get to spend time with my wife.’ We can be joyful because we focus on the opportunity instead of the event as a problem (Jas 1:2-4). Other situations call on us to use our resources in unusual ways (2 Chron 20:20-23). On some occasions, we may need to carefully examine our problem to detect the appropriate strategy for fixing it. This should lead us to seek the mind of the Lord (2 Ki 3:15-17; 1 Cor 2:12, 16).
Here are some examples of creativity: (1) Washington D. C. refused ‘Hap’ Arnold’s requisition to demolish the unassembled Barling bomber. Arnold then asked if he could destroy one bomber and this was allowed. (2) In WWII, General Omar Bradley unsuccessfully attacked Afrika Corps’ Hill 609 three times. Bradley then tried something that had never been done before. He used his tanks as artillery to bombard the 2,000-foot hill. This was successful. (3) Alexander the Great needed to have his army defeat the Persian navy. He did this by carefully analyzing the Persian navy. He realized if he controlled all the places where the ships could procure fresh water, he could defeat them. He was correct.
Creativity starts with being willing to take a risk. We are willing to try a new approach to our ‘Hill 609.’ Seek God’s strategy and be willing to think in new ways. It is worth it.
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.