Yearning For Righteousness
The hungry and thirsty don’t merely want righteousness – we intensely want it and vigorously pursue it (Psalm 42:1). What we yearn for is right standing with God leading to upright behavior as defined by the Lord. We long to be in right standing with Him because we recognize our spiritual bankruptcy, mourn for our sin, and are meek. Those who have longed and still do long for God, being believers, are so grateful that we are free from condemnation and at peace with the Lord (Rom 5:1; 8:1).
However, we also understand that right standing and right behaving go together and seek both. Being declared righteous, we want to do what is right in our daily lives. This means setting aside our own interests (Luke 9:23, Wuest), taking up our own cross each day, and following closely behind Him. In addition, we cry out for social righteousness because we want His Kingdom to come more fully (Mt 6:10).
Such individuals will be satisfied with forgiveness and right standing with Him. We will also see the Lord working in us to bring about right living and, through, us, to help bring righteousness to others. This is satisfaction indeed!
Instead of being timid, learn to be appropriately bold.