Stay Close, Don’t Lag Behind

The Lord is not as near to us on some occasions as on others (Is 55:6, JB). Since we yearn for Him, we respond to His requests for greater closeness by calling on Him to come closer to us (Rev 22:20, NBV and note). This is a heart-issue rather than a head-issue. “With the heart we believe, resulting in our being in right standing with God” (Rom 10:10). We desire His company. We not only want Him to be closer to us, but we also want to be able to continually be aware of His loving presence (Ps 16:8, TEV). This happens when we humbly cleanse ourselves and draw near to Him (Jas 4:8) or open the door of our heart on those occasions He has especially drawn near to us (Rev 3:20). 

Though love for Him should, by itself, motivate us to draw near to Him, yet there are many positive benefits to doing so. First, fellowship with the Lord brings healing to us (Isa 53:5, CJB alt.) – and the closer we are, the more healing we are able to receive. Second, being close to Him brings us joy (Ps 16:11, TEV). Third, fellowship with Him enables us to stand firm and be undisturbed (Ps 16:8, Knox with Harrison). Fourth, being close to the Lord keeps us from deliberate, habitual sin (1 Jn 3:6, AB). Fifth, not being close to Him exposes us to extra attacks from our enemies (Deut 25:17-18). Finally, not being in close communion with God is an unfaithfulness that can cause us to be lost (Ps 73:28, CEV). 

It is imperative for believers to make every effort to be as close to the Lord as is possible (Acts 11:23, BB). We are to “keep in step with the Holy Spirit” (Gal 5:25) – and this clearly points to our being close to Him. It is as we are so moved by and united to the Spirit of Jesus that we are able to echo the Spirit’s cry to the lost: ‘Come!’ (Rev 22:17, NBV and note). Let us draw near to our Lord, Savior, Friend, and Fiancee!

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